
Phrases and Clauses

  PHRASE   A phrase is a group of words  without a finite verb . There are three types of  phrases: -   Noun phrase   A noun phrase is built around a single noun, for example      Example  - A  vase of roses  stood on the table.   Adjective phrase      Example - This chain is made  of gold.   Adverb Phrase   Built around an adverb by adding words before and/or after it.      Example - The economy recovered  very slowly.     (A non-finite verb is a verb form that does not show tense. In other words, you cannot tell if a sentence is in the past tense, present tense, or future tense by looking at a non-finite verb. Therefore, a non-finite verb is never the main verb in a sentence.)     CLAUSES  

Word Meaning I

  WORDS       MEANING   1.   Abaddon   Hell   2.   Abandon   To give up   3.   Aback   Taken   by   the  surprise   4.   Abase    To degrade   5.   Abash   To strike with shame or  embarrassment   6.   Abate    To  mitigate;  to lessen or reduce   7.   abbreviate   To shorten   8.   Aberration    Deviate   from   usual   9.   Abeyance   Temporary  suspension   10.   abduct   To kidnap   11.   abhor   Dislike  intensely   12.   abettor   One  who   encourages   esp . In bad   13.   acknowledge   To  express  gratitude or thanks   14.   accompany   To  go   along   with  ( साथ )   15.   accessory   additional   16.   acclimate   To  accustom  to new environment or climate (  नई   जलवायु   के   आदी  )   17.   acclivity   An upward slope   18.   Accomplish   Succeed  in  doing  /  complete   19.   accomplice   One who helps in  committing  crime   20.   accomplished   Skilled;  well-trained  or educated   21.   accrue   To accumulate   22.   accord   Agreement ; to give or grant   23.   ad