

A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gentlyquitethenthere ).

                        Adverb of Manner -         How?
                        Adverb of Place -            Where?
                        Adverb of Time -             When?
                        Adverb of Frequency  -   How Often?
                        Adverb of Cause -           Why?
                        Adverb of Degree -          How much/many?

HOW???  ( Adverb of Manner)   

Adverbs of manner mainly modify verbs and tell us the way in which something happens.
We make most of them simply by adding -ly to their corresponding adjective.
  • quick - quickly
  • careful - carefully
  • gentle- gently    
Adjective ends in -y are changed to -i and adding -ly.
  • happy - happily
  • greedy - greedily
  • easy - easily
Some irregular adverbs- 
  • good - well
  • hard - hard
  • fast - fast
  • late - late
WHERE???  ( Adverb of Place)

Adverbs of place tell us where something happens.
They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object.
Example - Here, there, somewhere, nowhere, everywhere, etc.

Directions- up, down,around,away,north, etc.
Distances- nearby, far, away, miles, etc.
Relative Position- below, between, above, behind, through, around, and so forth...
Movement in a particular direction - towards, forward, backward, homeward, westward, eastward

‘Here’ and ‘there’

With verbs of movement, here means towards or with the speaker:

  • Come here (= towards me)
  • It’s in here (= come with me to see it)
There means away from, or not with the speaker:
  • Put it there (= away from me)
  • It’s in there (= go by yourself to see it)

WHEN???  ( Adverb of Time)

Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and how often.
  • When: today, yesterday, later, now, last year
  • For how long: all day, not long, for a while, since last year

ex-  She returned my money later. ( Here word later is least emphasizing)
       Later she returned my money. ( Surprise statement i.e. when it's uncertain) 
      She later returned my money. ( Formal way of expression)
       I stayed at the office all night.
       We stayed in London for two years.

i.e-  “For how long” adverbs are usually placed at the end of the sentence
        ‘for’ is always followed by an expression of duration

HOW OFTEN???  ( Adverb of Frequency)

Adverbs that change or qualify the meaning of a sentence by telling us how often or how frequently something happens are defined as adverbs of frequency.

  • Adverb of definite frequency
                Ex- Daily, Monthly, every Sunday, each Monday, etc. 
                Generally placed like other adverbs.
  • Adverb of indefinite frequency
                Ex- sometimes, frequently, etc.
                Generally placed before the verb

    He Visits the mall every day. ( Least Emphazising)
    Every day he visits the mall. ( Who visits the mall every day)
    Every day, he visits the mall. ( Emphasizing and Surprise statement)


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